miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

Madonna has kissed everybody!

Women, Latino, African-American have been kissed by Madonna on her shows. It could be seen as lack of morality or as strategy to sell her musical production. People can agree or disagree that behavior, but in the bottom of the debate we can agree that at least the diversity as it is shown in Madonnas videos is something to deal with. Fortunately, several videos about sexuality has raised from the darkness to question people about liberty and their limits. And at the same time Madonna's videos have shown and strengthened the open possibility to build a multicultural society without prejudge of race. Even it means inter ethnic relationships, which is the way to build a society without social ghettos. Mixed people are so nice!!!

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Giancarlo,

    I can see you are in full support. I agree that whatever her motives are, the issues or ideas she asks people to deal with ot think about are socially important. Thanks for a good post.

    Also, we have a room change for Monday--we'll be in M-1-617. Please pass it on to your classmates, as I have misplaced my email list.

